Hi there! My name is Vladislav Maximovich Fomitchev, otherwise known as Vlad or sometimes Vlad the Inhaler depending on the IP address.
I’m an SDR Engineer by day and a HAM by night. Or just a huge nerd who’s hopelessly into electronics and radio. In particular, I enjoy vintage test equipment, tubes, and esoteric hardware. I’m also a “lite audiophile” which is a term I use loosely because I’m serious about quality audio engineering, and not so much superconducting quadruple shielded platinum snake-oil infused cables. I have a pretty well-established amateur radio station here in Colorado Springs as well as a small basement lab that I use for work and repairing equipment in my spare time.
Not to be outdone by the renaissance, I also dabble in digital art, poetry, and music on rare occasions. I mostly use 3DS Max and Photoshop, but I look forward to trying Blender sometime as I hear it’s gotten quite good these days.
I’m not just all work though, in my downtime I love playing games on my PC (mostly boomer shooters), riding my bike, and going on walks or hikes. I also generally enjoy being outside and touching grass.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
-Everyone I think
On this site, you can expect to find a smorgasbord of my latest projects and fancies whenever I feel like posting them. There’s no subscription or fee, so I do hope you stay a while and warm your hands by the fire. Feel free to reach out to me via the info below:
- Email: vlad@fomitchev.net
- Discord: Vlad the Inhaler#4317